Rev. Paul Freeland collected numerous items of local interest. These items were donated by his family to the Acadia Parish Library. Mrs. Dorothy "Dot" McNeely donated many hours helping to organize these items. You can click on the item you wish to view and feel free to print them.
Chicago World's Fair - 1893 - Rice Exhibit
Rice Experiment Station (includes three other pictures - 1915)
Rice Field Story of Rice Types of Rice
Rice Mills
American Rice Mill (Old Mill) 1902 American Rice Mill - 1937
American Rice Mill - Iota - 1947
Colonial Rice Mill Eagle Rice Mill Imperial Rice Mill
Louisiana State Rice Mill Co. - People's Mill - Mill No. 16
Louisiana State Rice Mill Co. - U.S. Mill - Mill No. 18
Loving Rice Mill National Rice Mill - Pembooke Mill - 1917
Nutrilene Plant - 1902 Roberts Rice Mill
Standard Rice Mill - 1918 Supreme Rice Mill - 1950
Acadia Parish Courthouse (1888-1902).
Acadia Parish Courthouse (1903-1949).
Acadia Parish Courthouse (1952-).
Church Point. People's Gin Guidry Hotel Main Street, 1912
Crowley Depots. Crowley Fire Station. Crowley City Hall.
Estherwood. Kollitz's Estherwood Emporium
Iota. Hotel owned by Mr. & Mrs. William Young Ox Cart driven by Sylvan Simar
Kaplan/Frances Parkinson Keyes Home.
Mermentau. Jean Castex Store Jean Castex Home Maignaud Hotel
People who made an impact on Acadia Parish.
Mrs. Mary Ella Louisa Armstrong - first black teacher in Acadia Parish
Mr. Pat Crowley - Crowley's namesake
Mr. Cornelius C. Duson - the Father of Acadia Parish
Mr. William W. Duson - one of our founders
Mr. H. C. Ross - early educational leader in Acadia Parish
Rayne. Mt. Carmel Convent, the first Catholic School in Acadia Parishl
Jacques Weil's frog dressing department Mervine Kahn General Merchandise